Introduction to the Advanced Chapter
This advanced chapter for Sound Of Life Frequency Attunement, or S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy, is geared toward those who desire to incorporate colors, crystals, and music into their therapy sessions.
Of course, as emphasized in the intermediate chapter, it is imperative that the previous chapters have been studied. The history of this therapy must be understood or the different aspects will not make sense to the casual observer. S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy is built upon ever expanding foundations of understanding and has the ability to incorporate many diverse therapies.
Everything is moving. Everything has a frequency. Colors have frequencies that penetrate the human body, crystals are receivers and transmitters of frequencies, and music has a frequency that we can hear. When we utilize frequencies in a manner that brings balance to the human body, we project wholeness into the body. A body that is whole is a body that is healthy.
When we speak of the body, we are including that which is seen and that which is unseen; the tangible and the intangible. The tendency is to approach wholeness from the aspect of the physical body. In S.O.L.FA. Sound Therapy we are approaching wholeness from the aspect of the ethereal, aural, or spiritual body. Balancing the unseen body begins the process of bringing balance to the physical body.
This manual presents information that, hopefully, sparks an interest in the reader to continue research into alternative methods of wholeness. IT IS OUR NATURE TO BE WHOLE.
This manual also presents concepts that must be captured by the intuitive mind. Analytical thinking will only frustrate the reader. Attempting to express the inexpressible is a challenge everyone should experience. Please allow yourself to move beyond the limitations of language and simply experience that which is truth for you. Experience is the best teacher.
Chapter Three
Lights and Perfections ... Urim and Thummim
...He put the Urim and the Thummim in the breastplate.
Leviticus 8:8
We will begin this advanced chapter with an understanding of the above passage of scripture. This passage gives us a glimpse of our magnificent potential. Within each of us there exists the "Light of Perfection" or the "Understanding of Truth.” When "light" is shed on a topic, the meaning is that "understanding" has been realized. The literal interpretation of Urim and Thummin is Lights and Perfections. The definition of Urim (Strong's #224) is lights, oracular brilliancy, and it comes from a word meaning flame or the East (as being the region of light). The word oracular means uttering oracles, very wise, prophetic, mysterious, and obscure. The definition of the word Thummim (Strong's 8550) is perfections, complete Truth, innocence. In the words Urim and Thummin we are introduced to the concept of a flame abiding within us, which, when released, will burst forth as understanding. This understanding will naturally manifest in a spoken expression of wisdom. This wisdom constitutes a deep realization of the mysterious and obscure truths of infinite knowledge.
In Genesis 3:24 the scripture reads, "So He drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the Tree of Life." Let's explore this passage of scripture to understand why this was done, and how this relates to us individually and as a collective body.
Because we are a planet of "free will" that is interconnected, all manifestations (seen and unseen) are accomplished individually and collectively through our "will." It is through a change in "will" that access is granted to the Tree of Life. When we "willingly" seek Infinite Wisdom and are "willing" to pay the price of releasing old mindsets, the portal to the Tree of Life has just been accessed.
As you may recall, in the intermediate chapter, we learned that when humans partook of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they partook of duality; that is, they became aware of the concept of lack. In duality there is always the concept of opposites. If there are opposites, then at one end of the spectrum there will always be lack. As long as there is the belief in lack, there is not the belief in completeness or wholeness, which is pure love.
Notice that when this concept of lack was introduced into the "Universal DNA" or "Universal Thought Grid" humanity now had access to this mistaken concept or "fruit" and they began to replicate false precepts. What did the Superconscious Mind (Spirit) do to remedy this situation? The Spirit blocked access to the "Tree of Life" by placing cherubim at the east of the Garden of Eden; duality and unity are in opposition to each other, and to partake of both "trees" only reinforces the concept of opposites (lack).
The word cherubim means imaginary figures. These figures represent the imaginary thoughts that will not allow us to partake of perfect truth as long as we believe in lack. Because the Tree of Life is Unity or Oneness, duality cannot partake of it. When we willingly choose to change our mindsets or paradigms of duality (lack) the imaginary thoughts begin to fade and are replaced by the revelation of the interconnectedness, oneness, and unity of everything; seen and unseen, tangible and intangible. Of course, the Urim and Thummim (Understanding of Perfect Truth) are a metaphor for the Tree of Life.
When "Adam" was commanded to abstain from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (lack), the "female energy,” not being separated as yet, also received that command. When "Adam" was put into a "deep sleep,” the "female energy,” still not being separate, was also a participant of that "deep sleep." Thus, when the humans partook of the fruit of "lack,” they were in a "deep sleep" or literally a "trance" or "stupor." They became double-minded or dualistic in nature. The reality of "oneness" still existed within the "Universal DNA" or "Universal Thought Grid,” but, being in a stupor, they could not remember or access it. Throughout scripture there is the constant admonition to "wake up." This is where the Reference Being, Christ, comes to the rescue. At the core of all sacred writings, although different terminology will be employed, Christ is the central figure. Christ is the God becoming human who brings oneness, wholeness, and unity back into remembrance. As a human, Christ anchored that remembrance forever into the "Universal Thought Grid" so that everyone has access to it. In effect, everyone can "wake up[1]."
It has been postulated that our three-dimensional state-of-being is actually a hologram. There is complicated scientific research to support this observation. In a hologram, a "reference beam" is required. Reading this short passage from the book Stalking the Wild Pendulum by Itzhak Bentov, is a good exercise in taking "scientific data" and transforming it into "spiritual data." He is writing about the "reference beam,” but we will be interpreting this as the "Reference Being,” Christ.
"Note that the important part of holographic image making is the interaction of a reference beam - a beam that is pure, virgin, and untouched - with a working beam, which has had some experiences in its life. The magnitude of these experiences is being measured against the reference beam, which serves as a baseline for comparison. Our whole reality is constructed by constantly making such comparisons. Our senses, which describe our reality to us, are making these comparisons all the time." (emphasis added)
Continuing on a slightly different note, the word east (Strong's 6924 from 6923; compare 6926) means the front (of place or time), ancient, to precede. It refers to a time in the past before the concept of "lack." Another way of describing this "time" would be to call it the "First time." According to Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, authors of the book, The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind, there are many references in ancient literature to the "First Time." The following is a quote from their book:
"When we say that these divine and human civilizers were remembered as having come to the Nile Valley in Zep Tepi - the 'First Time' - we are reporting a fact. When we say that the ancient Egyptian records tell us this 'First Time' was an epoch in the remote past, thousands of years before the era of the Pharaohs, we are reporting a fact." (emphasis added)
Because "time" is eternal, or circular; there was - and is - and will be, a return to the "First Time" or the "Time of Remembrance." "Perfect Truth," which is "Perfect Love," must prevail. The ultimate "test" of love is that it will prevail even when placed in a "sleep state." We have been subjected to the lower frequencies of this planet to prove that the "hope" of the Creator is in actuality a fact; there is no obstacle that Love cannot conquer[2].
The Urim and Thummin, as a representation of the "First Time," were placed within the breastplate of the priest. Since sacred scriptures refer to all men as potential priests, there is within the armor or protection we place over our hearts (breastplate), a secret place that is the fountain of perfect truth and understanding. There is the "Tree of Life;” there is the "First Time" within each of us.
Metaphysical food for thought
There is a 'First Time'
within our 'mind garden'
that is a place of 'pleasure'
and 'without lack,'
it is the 'flame of perfect understanding’
allowing us to 'speak wisdom and mysteries'
…hidden within our 'hearts .’
Seven Colors of the Rainbow in the Aura
The rainbow shall be in the cloud... Genesis 9:16
Every created thing is surrounded by an aura or cloud. Within that aura are the seven colors of the rainbow, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. In the intermediate chapter we introduced the seven major chakras or energy centers of the human body. Now we will begin using color to balance these energy vortices.
An understanding of color is necessary for us to continue. Light is made up of wavelengths. The visible spectrum of light is that which our eyes interpret as the colors of the rainbow. Light is basically photons or what we would define as particles of energy that move as waves. White light is made of colors. Each of these colors has their own specific wavelength. The length of the wave determines the frequency of the wave. For example, the color red has a long wavelength, or a lower frequency, and violet has a short wavelength, or higher frequency.
Above and below the visible spectrum of light are waves that are invisible to the human eye. The waves below "red" in the invisible spectrum are the radio, microwave, and infrared waves. The waves above the color "violet" are the ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma ray waves.
The primary colors of light are red, green, and blue. These primary colors cannot be made by mixing other colors together. The mixing of two of the primary colors creates the secondary colors, yellow (red/green), cyan (blue/green), and magenta (red/blue). Any color of the light spectrum can be made just by mixing different portions of red, green, or blue light. White light is created when the three primary light colors are mixed together in a balanced proportion. If you add the three secondary light colors together in a balanced proportion the result will also be white light. By contrast, black is a "color" that is created by the absence of all "light" colors.
It is important to note that there is a difference between mixing light and mixing pigments. For example, mixing the pigments of red and green paint will produce the color brown, but mixing red light and green light will produce yellow light. The study of pigments will not be covered in this manual.
Light is seen as color when the different wavelengths are separated. For the purposes of S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy, we will be using the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. According to ancient teachings and sacred literature there is a corresponding color for each chakra:
Root chakra red (various shades of red; black, brown, and gray)
Spleen chakra orange (various shades of orange)
Solar Plexus chakra yellow (various shades of yellow)
Heart chakra green (various shades of green; pink)
Throat chakra blue (various shades of light blue; aqua, turquoise)
Brow (third eye) chakra indigo (various shades of dark blue)
Crown chakra violet (purple, white, and clear)
These colors may be purchased in felt squares from a fabric shop. Of course, it is always important to use intuition when working with colors. A unique situation may call for a unique mix of colors.
Dowsing the chakras, explained in the Intermediate chapter, will reveal the balance/imbalance of the energy centers. Colors are an effective tool in restoring balance. This effectiveness can be demonstrated by placing the color corresponding to a particular chakra beneath the body of the person receiving the therapy (they lie face up with the color swatch directly beneath the effected chakra). In our experience, the color placed beneath them always improves an imbalanced spin. Placing the color on top of the chakra does not have the same improving effect.
A possible explanation for this may be seen In figure 1, adapted from the book "Stalking the Wild Pendulum" by Itzhak Bentov. The flow of energy, beginning from the toes and moving backward and upward behind the body, is pushed forward through "stations" on the spine. The color frequency is then pushed forward through these "stations,” thus creating balance. It has also been demonstrated that by removing the color swatch before using S.O.L.F.A. Sound or related therapies, the chakra will return to the abnormal spin. Therefore, by using color therapy, the chakra can be "held or stabilized" while administering balancing therapies. Just as a cast holds a broken bone in place until healed, color holds a chakra spin in balance until it is healed. Because a chakra may return to an abnormal spin within a short time, several sessions may be required before the chakra(s) has "mended,” so to speak. Also, it may be helpful to encourage a client to wear the noted color(s) or place the color(s) beneath the chakra(s) while resting or sleeping.
Crystal Energy
The likeness of the expanse above the heads of the living creatures was like the color of an awesome crystal, stretched out over their heads.
Ezekiel 1:22
And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Revelation 22:1
The preceding sacred scriptures present a mysterious concept involving the "crystal." Once the key words of this passage are understood, a very beautiful metaphysical understanding emerges. The realm of our thoughts is an "expanse" that cannot be contained. In our "heads" (minds) there exist living thoughts. These thoughts are outside the realm of duality; that is, they encompass the full light spectrum (full understanding spectrum). The full light (understanding) is then refracted in all its variations of color (thoughts) through us. The word crystal (Strong's #7140) in Ezekiel means ice (as if bald or smooth) and also rock crystal. It comes from a word meaning depilate. To depilate someone is to remove their hair or to expose their head. In the metaphysical sense, when we expose our head, we are removing the old thought patterns of bondage and allowing the ice (crystal) to penetrate our minds. What is ice? It is frozen or crystallized water. Because all things consist of energy, it could also be said that ice is frozen energy.
In sacred scriptures, water is a representation of the Word or Truth. So the "awesome crystal stretched out over our heads" is the "vastness of truth" manifesting in an energy state that is conducive to our energy state. Our physical realm is literally energy being manifested in a frozen state or a state of low frequencies. The reason we can taste, touch, smell, see, and hear is because of this frozen state. The crystal represents truth that has been "congealed" or brought into "focus" so that we may have the "light of perfection" or the "understanding of truth" (see page 37).
Now that we have a basic understanding of "crystal" in the metaphysical sense, let's look at crystals in a physical sense. The following passage is from the book, The Book of Crystal Healing by Liz Simpson.
"It has taken us 4000 years to scientifically validate what ancient wisdom teaches. That there is a force in nature, invisible and imperceptible to most of modern humankind, which plays a vital role in health and healing. This force has been called many things - Universal Life Force, "chi,” pure Consciousness, prana, the Universal Field. Regardless of what you choose to call it this inexplicable source of life courses through all things and in doing so produces an outer energy field referred to as the "aura.” This is often depicted as halos surrounding the bodies of holy people in religious paintings spanning many centuries and all continents. What may surprise you is that you also have an aura. And it is this which allows you to interact on a non-physical level with all things.
We now know that what underpins biochemistry is electromagnetism, a form of energy. It has taken quantum physics to show that what we perceive as solid matter is actually, 99.9999% empty space filled with energy. By understanding that all matter is energy it is easier to understand how man can interact with crystal.
The next aspect of crystal healing to embrace is the fact that everything in the universe vibrates, albeit at different frequencies. We all have personal experience of this. We "pick up vibes" from some people, and say that those we don't get on with are "not on our wavelength.”
...We can influence the state of our physical body beneficially or otherwise by what goes on in our mind... It is your thought energy that activates crystals. Your own strength of will helps direct, focus, and amplifies the healing power of the Universal Life Force to stabilize the energies within your body. Our natural state is one of moving toward balance. Once our energy is brought into balance we experience optimum health."
Approximately 85 percent of the earth is crystal. All crystals, no matter how diverse the structure, have one thing in common, and that is repeating three-dimensional patterns of order. Igneous crystals are formed from molten rock or magma that has cooled (diamonds, rubies, sapphires); sedimentary crystals are formed from chemicals that have been dissolved in solutions within rock cavities where they have space and time to grow (quartz, azurite, opal); metamorphic crystals are crystals that, given the right conditions, have undergone a change into a new species of mineral (blue turquoise, jade, nephrite).
How Do Crystals Play a Part in Healing?
Crystals are inherently balanced and balance or wholeness is what we seek in our own lives. In S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy we are using crystals to tap into the energies of earth and spirit. We are tapping into the immeasurable energies of the Universal Life Force. Imitation crystals are not suitable for therapy; only crystals imbued with natural energies are acceptable.
According to Liz Simpson (The Book of Crystal Healing) the following crystals are associated with the different chakras:
Root chakra: Agate, Bloodstone, Tiger's eye, Hematite, Carnelian, Rhodochrosite
Spleen chakra: Moonstone, Tiger's eye, Citrine, Carnelian, Rutilated quartz, Golden topaz
Solar Plexus chakra: Citrine, Rose quartz, Aventurine quartz, Malachite, Smoky quartz, Sunstone
Heart chakra: Jade, Aventurine quartz, Watermelon tourmaline, Rose quartz, Emerald, Sugilite
Throat chakra: Aquamarine, Lapis luzuli, Turquoise, Celestite, Blue-laced agate, Aqua aura
Brow (third eye) chakra: Amethyst, Fluorite, Lapis luzuli, Sodalite, Purple apatite, Azurite
Crown chakra: Amethyst, Celestite, Jade, Rock crystal (clear quartz), Diamond, Gold calcite
In a therapy session, one or more crystals associated with the corresponding chakra may be placed upon or near the chakra. Again, intuition will guide you.
A crystal that would be an excellent addition to any collection would be a single-terminator quartz crystal, also known as a generator crystal. Liz Simpson describes this crystal as follows:
"These are six-sided quartz crystals whose faces join to form an apex at one end. The other end is usually rough, where it has broken away from its source. Large single-terminators with a wide base, allowing them to stand, are called "generators.” These are believed to represent the perfect geometric form through which universal energy can flow. The direction of the terminated point indicates energy flow. Smaller single-terminators are used in layouts to concentrate and direct healing energy from one chakra to another."
Clearing and Dedicating Crystals
Clearing and dedicating crystals is an important part of working with them. Because crystals are receivers and transmitters of energy, it is necessary to clear and dedicate them when first received, and to clear them after each use. Dedicating a crystal is a spiritual ritual that simple means you are acknowledging the purpose for which you are using the crystal. The purpose of S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy is to allow balancing energies to be transmitted to a recipient for the purpose of wholeness. Remembering the law of sowing and reaping, cause and effect, or karma is an excellent guide for dedicating your crystal.
Clearing a crystal is a process that removes any inappropriate energy and readies it for its next use. Here is the process we use for clearing and dedicating our crystals:
When we first receive our crystal we rejoice in the beauty of it. If it is a crystal that is not dissolvable in water, we hold it under running water for up to a minute and then blot the crystal dry. Placing it on a stack of felt squares, each a color of the rainbow, we clear the crystals by striking the S.O.L.F.A. tuning forks and encircling the crystal with each tone (frequency). As we encircle the crystal we dedicate it by speaking or thinking its purpose, i.e., "This crystal is dedicated to balancing the energies of the aura for the purpose of restoring balance to the whole person. This crystal is dedicated to the purpose of receiving and transmitting 'Life Force' for the highest good. This crystal is an expression of love."
We may clear and dedicate several crystals in one batch. After the crystals have been dedicated, it is not necessary to rededicate them after each use; but it is necessary to clear them. As described above, we use running water and/or the tuning forks for clearing. Other methods of clearing are: placing the crystals in sunlight, thought visualization, sea salt bath, and earth burial.
The Power Of Music
Music has been called the "Universal Language." Music has a power that manifests both physically and spiritually. We have all felt the "beat" that makes us "move to the music." We have all felt the gamut of emotions that music can evoke; from tears to tension to joy to love, etc. Music is created by the relationship of sounds. In noise, there is a random or chaotic relationship. In music there is a related or cohesive relationship.
Because S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy is all about balance, music is a tremendous asset to the therapist. Certain music will calm, other music will stimulate, and still other music will inspire. Music should be selected depending upon the effect necessary to achieve balance.
Alain Danielou, in his book Music and the Power of Sound: The Influence of Tuning and Intervals on Consciousness, writes:
"All music is based on the relations between sounds, and a careful study of the numbers by which these relations are ruled brings us immediately into the almost forgotten science of numerical symbolism. Numbers correspond to abstract principles, and their application to physical reality follows absolute and inescapable laws. In musical experience we are brought into direct contact with these principles; the connection between physical reality and metaphysical principles can be felt in music as nowhere else. Music was therefore justly considered by the ancients as the key to all sciences and arts - the link between metaphysics and physics through which the universal laws and their multiple applications could be understood."
"...The strange phenomenon by which coordinated sounds have the power to evoke feelings or images is accepted simply as a fact. Attempts are made to define the effects of certain combinations of sounds, but these effects are discovered almost fortuitously and no search is made for their underlying cause."
"...The universe is called in Sanskrit jagat (that which moves) because nothing exists but by the combination of forces and movements. But every movement generates a vibration and therefore a sound that is peculiar to it. Such a sound, of course, may not be audible to our rudimentary ears, but it does exist as pure sound. Since each element of matter produces a sound, the relation of elements can be expressed by a relation of sounds."
"We can therefore understand why astrology, alchemy, geometry, and so forth express themselves in terms of harmonic relations."
Brainwave Patterns
It has been well studied and documented that there are five major brainwave pattern frequencies that effect us profoundly. These brainwave pattern states are:
Delta: 1-3 Hz: Deep sleep, lucid dreaming, unconsciousness, coma. Increased immune functions. Lowest known level of brain activity. Only
accomplished while awake by experienced meditators and mystics.
Theta: 4-7 Hz: Deep relaxation, meditation, increased memory and focus. Dreaming, trance, and hypnosis are theta states. Experiences such as ecstasy, wonder, delight, and understanding are typical.
Alpha: 8-12 H: Light relaxation, "super learning,” positive thinking, creative state. This state occurs just before sleep and on waking. Attention is both external and internal.
Beta: 13-25 Hz: Normal state of alertness. Thoughts drown out intuitive messages. Attention is external.
Gamma: 30 Hz on up: Hyper-awareness
When selecting music for use with S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy, these "states" or "frequencies" may actually be programmed into the music or sounds. Sometimes the "frequency" or "state" will be listed in the CD or audio tape literature. The "state" most likely to be employed is the meditative state; although for unique situations other patterns may be utilized.
It is important to realize that after a S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy session, the receiver of the therapy may be in a deeply relaxed state of mind. It is not wise for them to drive until they are back in the normal state of alertness. Offering them something to drink and chatting for a few minutes is a good idea.
As a word of caution it is never a good idea to drive while listening to CD's or tapes that alter the normal state of awareness.
Numerology of the Frequencies
The seven S.O.L.F.A. syllables and their related frequencies can be further understood by using numerology to reveal certain properties. For the purposes of this manual a brief understanding of numerical symbolism is listed below:
1 = Unity, Oneness, God
2 = Separation, Chaos (double mindedness)
3 = Trinity, God, Reality (spirit, soul, body or mind, will, emotions; Father, Son/Child, Holy Spirit/Mother)
4 = Universal (four corners of the earth; four points on a compass)
5 = Order (children of Israel marched in ranks of five, five descension gifts)
6 = Humanity (humans created on sixth day)
7 = Completion, Rest (creation complete; Sabbath day)
8 = New Beginning (beginning of a new week)
9 = Fullness (nine months to bring a baby to term)
The numerical symbolism associated with the S.O.L.F.A. syllable frequencies reveals the wonderful underlying principle of balance seeking a place of restoration in humanity.
Ut queant laxis
Resonare fibris
Mira gestorum
Famuli tuorum
Solve pollute
Labii reatum
Sancte Iohannis
Ut 396 The Trinity (God) Manifesting in Fullness through/as Humanity
Re 417 The Universal Oneness of Completion
Mi 528 Order from Chaos for a New Beginning
Fa 639 Humanity Manifesting the Trinity (God) in Fullness
Sol 741 The Completion Universally of Oneness
La 852 New Beginnings of Order from Chaos
Si 936 Fullness of the Trinity Manifesting through/as Humanity
Thank you for your interest in Sound Of Life Frequency Attunement Sound Therapy. This therapy is simple and yet, in some respects, complex. It is simple in the aspect of actually doing the therapy; complex in the application of the purest intent for the highest good. In essence, pure intent will manifest in pure love.
References for Chapter Three
The Holy Bible, New King James Version, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1983
Itzhak Bentov, "Stalking the Wild Pendulum," Destiny Books, Vermont, 1988
Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, "The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind," Crown Publishing, 1997
Liz Simpson, "Crystal Healing," Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1997
Alain Danielou, "Music and the Power of Sound: The Influence of Tuning and Intervals on Consciousness," Inner Traditions, 1995
David Johnson, "Coolpro Edit, Version 1.1 User Guide (Brainwave Synchronization)" Syntrillium Software Corporation, 1998
Light and Color, The Franklin Institute Online,
The Electromagnetic Spectrum, California State University, Northridge,
Crystal Crone,
How Crystals Work, The Crystal Ball, Inc.,
[1] As a sideline, the movie Matrix is an excellent source for anyone desiring to stimulate new concepts and thus discard old paradigms. The movie should be viewed from a metaphysical aspect
[2] 1 Romans 8:20-22
This advanced chapter for Sound Of Life Frequency Attunement, or S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy, is geared toward those who desire to incorporate colors, crystals, and music into their therapy sessions.
Of course, as emphasized in the intermediate chapter, it is imperative that the previous chapters have been studied. The history of this therapy must be understood or the different aspects will not make sense to the casual observer. S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy is built upon ever expanding foundations of understanding and has the ability to incorporate many diverse therapies.
Everything is moving. Everything has a frequency. Colors have frequencies that penetrate the human body, crystals are receivers and transmitters of frequencies, and music has a frequency that we can hear. When we utilize frequencies in a manner that brings balance to the human body, we project wholeness into the body. A body that is whole is a body that is healthy.
When we speak of the body, we are including that which is seen and that which is unseen; the tangible and the intangible. The tendency is to approach wholeness from the aspect of the physical body. In S.O.L.FA. Sound Therapy we are approaching wholeness from the aspect of the ethereal, aural, or spiritual body. Balancing the unseen body begins the process of bringing balance to the physical body.
This manual presents information that, hopefully, sparks an interest in the reader to continue research into alternative methods of wholeness. IT IS OUR NATURE TO BE WHOLE.
This manual also presents concepts that must be captured by the intuitive mind. Analytical thinking will only frustrate the reader. Attempting to express the inexpressible is a challenge everyone should experience. Please allow yourself to move beyond the limitations of language and simply experience that which is truth for you. Experience is the best teacher.
Chapter Three
Lights and Perfections ... Urim and Thummim
...He put the Urim and the Thummim in the breastplate.
Leviticus 8:8
We will begin this advanced chapter with an understanding of the above passage of scripture. This passage gives us a glimpse of our magnificent potential. Within each of us there exists the "Light of Perfection" or the "Understanding of Truth.” When "light" is shed on a topic, the meaning is that "understanding" has been realized. The literal interpretation of Urim and Thummin is Lights and Perfections. The definition of Urim (Strong's #224) is lights, oracular brilliancy, and it comes from a word meaning flame or the East (as being the region of light). The word oracular means uttering oracles, very wise, prophetic, mysterious, and obscure. The definition of the word Thummim (Strong's 8550) is perfections, complete Truth, innocence. In the words Urim and Thummin we are introduced to the concept of a flame abiding within us, which, when released, will burst forth as understanding. This understanding will naturally manifest in a spoken expression of wisdom. This wisdom constitutes a deep realization of the mysterious and obscure truths of infinite knowledge.
In Genesis 3:24 the scripture reads, "So He drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the Tree of Life." Let's explore this passage of scripture to understand why this was done, and how this relates to us individually and as a collective body.
Because we are a planet of "free will" that is interconnected, all manifestations (seen and unseen) are accomplished individually and collectively through our "will." It is through a change in "will" that access is granted to the Tree of Life. When we "willingly" seek Infinite Wisdom and are "willing" to pay the price of releasing old mindsets, the portal to the Tree of Life has just been accessed.
As you may recall, in the intermediate chapter, we learned that when humans partook of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they partook of duality; that is, they became aware of the concept of lack. In duality there is always the concept of opposites. If there are opposites, then at one end of the spectrum there will always be lack. As long as there is the belief in lack, there is not the belief in completeness or wholeness, which is pure love.
Notice that when this concept of lack was introduced into the "Universal DNA" or "Universal Thought Grid" humanity now had access to this mistaken concept or "fruit" and they began to replicate false precepts. What did the Superconscious Mind (Spirit) do to remedy this situation? The Spirit blocked access to the "Tree of Life" by placing cherubim at the east of the Garden of Eden; duality and unity are in opposition to each other, and to partake of both "trees" only reinforces the concept of opposites (lack).
The word cherubim means imaginary figures. These figures represent the imaginary thoughts that will not allow us to partake of perfect truth as long as we believe in lack. Because the Tree of Life is Unity or Oneness, duality cannot partake of it. When we willingly choose to change our mindsets or paradigms of duality (lack) the imaginary thoughts begin to fade and are replaced by the revelation of the interconnectedness, oneness, and unity of everything; seen and unseen, tangible and intangible. Of course, the Urim and Thummim (Understanding of Perfect Truth) are a metaphor for the Tree of Life.
When "Adam" was commanded to abstain from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (lack), the "female energy,” not being separated as yet, also received that command. When "Adam" was put into a "deep sleep,” the "female energy,” still not being separate, was also a participant of that "deep sleep." Thus, when the humans partook of the fruit of "lack,” they were in a "deep sleep" or literally a "trance" or "stupor." They became double-minded or dualistic in nature. The reality of "oneness" still existed within the "Universal DNA" or "Universal Thought Grid,” but, being in a stupor, they could not remember or access it. Throughout scripture there is the constant admonition to "wake up." This is where the Reference Being, Christ, comes to the rescue. At the core of all sacred writings, although different terminology will be employed, Christ is the central figure. Christ is the God becoming human who brings oneness, wholeness, and unity back into remembrance. As a human, Christ anchored that remembrance forever into the "Universal Thought Grid" so that everyone has access to it. In effect, everyone can "wake up[1]."
It has been postulated that our three-dimensional state-of-being is actually a hologram. There is complicated scientific research to support this observation. In a hologram, a "reference beam" is required. Reading this short passage from the book Stalking the Wild Pendulum by Itzhak Bentov, is a good exercise in taking "scientific data" and transforming it into "spiritual data." He is writing about the "reference beam,” but we will be interpreting this as the "Reference Being,” Christ.
"Note that the important part of holographic image making is the interaction of a reference beam - a beam that is pure, virgin, and untouched - with a working beam, which has had some experiences in its life. The magnitude of these experiences is being measured against the reference beam, which serves as a baseline for comparison. Our whole reality is constructed by constantly making such comparisons. Our senses, which describe our reality to us, are making these comparisons all the time." (emphasis added)
Continuing on a slightly different note, the word east (Strong's 6924 from 6923; compare 6926) means the front (of place or time), ancient, to precede. It refers to a time in the past before the concept of "lack." Another way of describing this "time" would be to call it the "First time." According to Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, authors of the book, The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind, there are many references in ancient literature to the "First Time." The following is a quote from their book:
"When we say that these divine and human civilizers were remembered as having come to the Nile Valley in Zep Tepi - the 'First Time' - we are reporting a fact. When we say that the ancient Egyptian records tell us this 'First Time' was an epoch in the remote past, thousands of years before the era of the Pharaohs, we are reporting a fact." (emphasis added)
Because "time" is eternal, or circular; there was - and is - and will be, a return to the "First Time" or the "Time of Remembrance." "Perfect Truth," which is "Perfect Love," must prevail. The ultimate "test" of love is that it will prevail even when placed in a "sleep state." We have been subjected to the lower frequencies of this planet to prove that the "hope" of the Creator is in actuality a fact; there is no obstacle that Love cannot conquer[2].
The Urim and Thummin, as a representation of the "First Time," were placed within the breastplate of the priest. Since sacred scriptures refer to all men as potential priests, there is within the armor or protection we place over our hearts (breastplate), a secret place that is the fountain of perfect truth and understanding. There is the "Tree of Life;” there is the "First Time" within each of us.
Metaphysical food for thought
There is a 'First Time'
within our 'mind garden'
that is a place of 'pleasure'
and 'without lack,'
it is the 'flame of perfect understanding’
allowing us to 'speak wisdom and mysteries'
…hidden within our 'hearts .’
Seven Colors of the Rainbow in the Aura
The rainbow shall be in the cloud... Genesis 9:16
Every created thing is surrounded by an aura or cloud. Within that aura are the seven colors of the rainbow, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. In the intermediate chapter we introduced the seven major chakras or energy centers of the human body. Now we will begin using color to balance these energy vortices.
An understanding of color is necessary for us to continue. Light is made up of wavelengths. The visible spectrum of light is that which our eyes interpret as the colors of the rainbow. Light is basically photons or what we would define as particles of energy that move as waves. White light is made of colors. Each of these colors has their own specific wavelength. The length of the wave determines the frequency of the wave. For example, the color red has a long wavelength, or a lower frequency, and violet has a short wavelength, or higher frequency.
Above and below the visible spectrum of light are waves that are invisible to the human eye. The waves below "red" in the invisible spectrum are the radio, microwave, and infrared waves. The waves above the color "violet" are the ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma ray waves.
The primary colors of light are red, green, and blue. These primary colors cannot be made by mixing other colors together. The mixing of two of the primary colors creates the secondary colors, yellow (red/green), cyan (blue/green), and magenta (red/blue). Any color of the light spectrum can be made just by mixing different portions of red, green, or blue light. White light is created when the three primary light colors are mixed together in a balanced proportion. If you add the three secondary light colors together in a balanced proportion the result will also be white light. By contrast, black is a "color" that is created by the absence of all "light" colors.
It is important to note that there is a difference between mixing light and mixing pigments. For example, mixing the pigments of red and green paint will produce the color brown, but mixing red light and green light will produce yellow light. The study of pigments will not be covered in this manual.
Light is seen as color when the different wavelengths are separated. For the purposes of S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy, we will be using the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. According to ancient teachings and sacred literature there is a corresponding color for each chakra:
Root chakra red (various shades of red; black, brown, and gray)
Spleen chakra orange (various shades of orange)
Solar Plexus chakra yellow (various shades of yellow)
Heart chakra green (various shades of green; pink)
Throat chakra blue (various shades of light blue; aqua, turquoise)
Brow (third eye) chakra indigo (various shades of dark blue)
Crown chakra violet (purple, white, and clear)
These colors may be purchased in felt squares from a fabric shop. Of course, it is always important to use intuition when working with colors. A unique situation may call for a unique mix of colors.
Dowsing the chakras, explained in the Intermediate chapter, will reveal the balance/imbalance of the energy centers. Colors are an effective tool in restoring balance. This effectiveness can be demonstrated by placing the color corresponding to a particular chakra beneath the body of the person receiving the therapy (they lie face up with the color swatch directly beneath the effected chakra). In our experience, the color placed beneath them always improves an imbalanced spin. Placing the color on top of the chakra does not have the same improving effect.
A possible explanation for this may be seen In figure 1, adapted from the book "Stalking the Wild Pendulum" by Itzhak Bentov. The flow of energy, beginning from the toes and moving backward and upward behind the body, is pushed forward through "stations" on the spine. The color frequency is then pushed forward through these "stations,” thus creating balance. It has also been demonstrated that by removing the color swatch before using S.O.L.F.A. Sound or related therapies, the chakra will return to the abnormal spin. Therefore, by using color therapy, the chakra can be "held or stabilized" while administering balancing therapies. Just as a cast holds a broken bone in place until healed, color holds a chakra spin in balance until it is healed. Because a chakra may return to an abnormal spin within a short time, several sessions may be required before the chakra(s) has "mended,” so to speak. Also, it may be helpful to encourage a client to wear the noted color(s) or place the color(s) beneath the chakra(s) while resting or sleeping.
Crystal Energy
The likeness of the expanse above the heads of the living creatures was like the color of an awesome crystal, stretched out over their heads.
Ezekiel 1:22
And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb.
Revelation 22:1
The preceding sacred scriptures present a mysterious concept involving the "crystal." Once the key words of this passage are understood, a very beautiful metaphysical understanding emerges. The realm of our thoughts is an "expanse" that cannot be contained. In our "heads" (minds) there exist living thoughts. These thoughts are outside the realm of duality; that is, they encompass the full light spectrum (full understanding spectrum). The full light (understanding) is then refracted in all its variations of color (thoughts) through us. The word crystal (Strong's #7140) in Ezekiel means ice (as if bald or smooth) and also rock crystal. It comes from a word meaning depilate. To depilate someone is to remove their hair or to expose their head. In the metaphysical sense, when we expose our head, we are removing the old thought patterns of bondage and allowing the ice (crystal) to penetrate our minds. What is ice? It is frozen or crystallized water. Because all things consist of energy, it could also be said that ice is frozen energy.
In sacred scriptures, water is a representation of the Word or Truth. So the "awesome crystal stretched out over our heads" is the "vastness of truth" manifesting in an energy state that is conducive to our energy state. Our physical realm is literally energy being manifested in a frozen state or a state of low frequencies. The reason we can taste, touch, smell, see, and hear is because of this frozen state. The crystal represents truth that has been "congealed" or brought into "focus" so that we may have the "light of perfection" or the "understanding of truth" (see page 37).
Now that we have a basic understanding of "crystal" in the metaphysical sense, let's look at crystals in a physical sense. The following passage is from the book, The Book of Crystal Healing by Liz Simpson.
"It has taken us 4000 years to scientifically validate what ancient wisdom teaches. That there is a force in nature, invisible and imperceptible to most of modern humankind, which plays a vital role in health and healing. This force has been called many things - Universal Life Force, "chi,” pure Consciousness, prana, the Universal Field. Regardless of what you choose to call it this inexplicable source of life courses through all things and in doing so produces an outer energy field referred to as the "aura.” This is often depicted as halos surrounding the bodies of holy people in religious paintings spanning many centuries and all continents. What may surprise you is that you also have an aura. And it is this which allows you to interact on a non-physical level with all things.
We now know that what underpins biochemistry is electromagnetism, a form of energy. It has taken quantum physics to show that what we perceive as solid matter is actually, 99.9999% empty space filled with energy. By understanding that all matter is energy it is easier to understand how man can interact with crystal.
The next aspect of crystal healing to embrace is the fact that everything in the universe vibrates, albeit at different frequencies. We all have personal experience of this. We "pick up vibes" from some people, and say that those we don't get on with are "not on our wavelength.”
...We can influence the state of our physical body beneficially or otherwise by what goes on in our mind... It is your thought energy that activates crystals. Your own strength of will helps direct, focus, and amplifies the healing power of the Universal Life Force to stabilize the energies within your body. Our natural state is one of moving toward balance. Once our energy is brought into balance we experience optimum health."
Approximately 85 percent of the earth is crystal. All crystals, no matter how diverse the structure, have one thing in common, and that is repeating three-dimensional patterns of order. Igneous crystals are formed from molten rock or magma that has cooled (diamonds, rubies, sapphires); sedimentary crystals are formed from chemicals that have been dissolved in solutions within rock cavities where they have space and time to grow (quartz, azurite, opal); metamorphic crystals are crystals that, given the right conditions, have undergone a change into a new species of mineral (blue turquoise, jade, nephrite).
How Do Crystals Play a Part in Healing?
Crystals are inherently balanced and balance or wholeness is what we seek in our own lives. In S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy we are using crystals to tap into the energies of earth and spirit. We are tapping into the immeasurable energies of the Universal Life Force. Imitation crystals are not suitable for therapy; only crystals imbued with natural energies are acceptable.
According to Liz Simpson (The Book of Crystal Healing) the following crystals are associated with the different chakras:
Root chakra: Agate, Bloodstone, Tiger's eye, Hematite, Carnelian, Rhodochrosite
Spleen chakra: Moonstone, Tiger's eye, Citrine, Carnelian, Rutilated quartz, Golden topaz
Solar Plexus chakra: Citrine, Rose quartz, Aventurine quartz, Malachite, Smoky quartz, Sunstone
Heart chakra: Jade, Aventurine quartz, Watermelon tourmaline, Rose quartz, Emerald, Sugilite
Throat chakra: Aquamarine, Lapis luzuli, Turquoise, Celestite, Blue-laced agate, Aqua aura
Brow (third eye) chakra: Amethyst, Fluorite, Lapis luzuli, Sodalite, Purple apatite, Azurite
Crown chakra: Amethyst, Celestite, Jade, Rock crystal (clear quartz), Diamond, Gold calcite
In a therapy session, one or more crystals associated with the corresponding chakra may be placed upon or near the chakra. Again, intuition will guide you.
A crystal that would be an excellent addition to any collection would be a single-terminator quartz crystal, also known as a generator crystal. Liz Simpson describes this crystal as follows:
"These are six-sided quartz crystals whose faces join to form an apex at one end. The other end is usually rough, where it has broken away from its source. Large single-terminators with a wide base, allowing them to stand, are called "generators.” These are believed to represent the perfect geometric form through which universal energy can flow. The direction of the terminated point indicates energy flow. Smaller single-terminators are used in layouts to concentrate and direct healing energy from one chakra to another."
Clearing and Dedicating Crystals
Clearing and dedicating crystals is an important part of working with them. Because crystals are receivers and transmitters of energy, it is necessary to clear and dedicate them when first received, and to clear them after each use. Dedicating a crystal is a spiritual ritual that simple means you are acknowledging the purpose for which you are using the crystal. The purpose of S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy is to allow balancing energies to be transmitted to a recipient for the purpose of wholeness. Remembering the law of sowing and reaping, cause and effect, or karma is an excellent guide for dedicating your crystal.
Clearing a crystal is a process that removes any inappropriate energy and readies it for its next use. Here is the process we use for clearing and dedicating our crystals:
When we first receive our crystal we rejoice in the beauty of it. If it is a crystal that is not dissolvable in water, we hold it under running water for up to a minute and then blot the crystal dry. Placing it on a stack of felt squares, each a color of the rainbow, we clear the crystals by striking the S.O.L.F.A. tuning forks and encircling the crystal with each tone (frequency). As we encircle the crystal we dedicate it by speaking or thinking its purpose, i.e., "This crystal is dedicated to balancing the energies of the aura for the purpose of restoring balance to the whole person. This crystal is dedicated to the purpose of receiving and transmitting 'Life Force' for the highest good. This crystal is an expression of love."
We may clear and dedicate several crystals in one batch. After the crystals have been dedicated, it is not necessary to rededicate them after each use; but it is necessary to clear them. As described above, we use running water and/or the tuning forks for clearing. Other methods of clearing are: placing the crystals in sunlight, thought visualization, sea salt bath, and earth burial.
The Power Of Music
Music has been called the "Universal Language." Music has a power that manifests both physically and spiritually. We have all felt the "beat" that makes us "move to the music." We have all felt the gamut of emotions that music can evoke; from tears to tension to joy to love, etc. Music is created by the relationship of sounds. In noise, there is a random or chaotic relationship. In music there is a related or cohesive relationship.
Because S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy is all about balance, music is a tremendous asset to the therapist. Certain music will calm, other music will stimulate, and still other music will inspire. Music should be selected depending upon the effect necessary to achieve balance.
Alain Danielou, in his book Music and the Power of Sound: The Influence of Tuning and Intervals on Consciousness, writes:
"All music is based on the relations between sounds, and a careful study of the numbers by which these relations are ruled brings us immediately into the almost forgotten science of numerical symbolism. Numbers correspond to abstract principles, and their application to physical reality follows absolute and inescapable laws. In musical experience we are brought into direct contact with these principles; the connection between physical reality and metaphysical principles can be felt in music as nowhere else. Music was therefore justly considered by the ancients as the key to all sciences and arts - the link between metaphysics and physics through which the universal laws and their multiple applications could be understood."
"...The strange phenomenon by which coordinated sounds have the power to evoke feelings or images is accepted simply as a fact. Attempts are made to define the effects of certain combinations of sounds, but these effects are discovered almost fortuitously and no search is made for their underlying cause."
"...The universe is called in Sanskrit jagat (that which moves) because nothing exists but by the combination of forces and movements. But every movement generates a vibration and therefore a sound that is peculiar to it. Such a sound, of course, may not be audible to our rudimentary ears, but it does exist as pure sound. Since each element of matter produces a sound, the relation of elements can be expressed by a relation of sounds."
"We can therefore understand why astrology, alchemy, geometry, and so forth express themselves in terms of harmonic relations."
Brainwave Patterns
It has been well studied and documented that there are five major brainwave pattern frequencies that effect us profoundly. These brainwave pattern states are:
Delta: 1-3 Hz: Deep sleep, lucid dreaming, unconsciousness, coma. Increased immune functions. Lowest known level of brain activity. Only
accomplished while awake by experienced meditators and mystics.
Theta: 4-7 Hz: Deep relaxation, meditation, increased memory and focus. Dreaming, trance, and hypnosis are theta states. Experiences such as ecstasy, wonder, delight, and understanding are typical.
Alpha: 8-12 H: Light relaxation, "super learning,” positive thinking, creative state. This state occurs just before sleep and on waking. Attention is both external and internal.
Beta: 13-25 Hz: Normal state of alertness. Thoughts drown out intuitive messages. Attention is external.
Gamma: 30 Hz on up: Hyper-awareness
When selecting music for use with S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy, these "states" or "frequencies" may actually be programmed into the music or sounds. Sometimes the "frequency" or "state" will be listed in the CD or audio tape literature. The "state" most likely to be employed is the meditative state; although for unique situations other patterns may be utilized.
It is important to realize that after a S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy session, the receiver of the therapy may be in a deeply relaxed state of mind. It is not wise for them to drive until they are back in the normal state of alertness. Offering them something to drink and chatting for a few minutes is a good idea.
As a word of caution it is never a good idea to drive while listening to CD's or tapes that alter the normal state of awareness.
Numerology of the Frequencies
The seven S.O.L.F.A. syllables and their related frequencies can be further understood by using numerology to reveal certain properties. For the purposes of this manual a brief understanding of numerical symbolism is listed below:
1 = Unity, Oneness, God
2 = Separation, Chaos (double mindedness)
3 = Trinity, God, Reality (spirit, soul, body or mind, will, emotions; Father, Son/Child, Holy Spirit/Mother)
4 = Universal (four corners of the earth; four points on a compass)
5 = Order (children of Israel marched in ranks of five, five descension gifts)
6 = Humanity (humans created on sixth day)
7 = Completion, Rest (creation complete; Sabbath day)
8 = New Beginning (beginning of a new week)
9 = Fullness (nine months to bring a baby to term)
The numerical symbolism associated with the S.O.L.F.A. syllable frequencies reveals the wonderful underlying principle of balance seeking a place of restoration in humanity.
Ut queant laxis
Resonare fibris
Mira gestorum
Famuli tuorum
Solve pollute
Labii reatum
Sancte Iohannis
Ut 396 The Trinity (God) Manifesting in Fullness through/as Humanity
Re 417 The Universal Oneness of Completion
Mi 528 Order from Chaos for a New Beginning
Fa 639 Humanity Manifesting the Trinity (God) in Fullness
Sol 741 The Completion Universally of Oneness
La 852 New Beginnings of Order from Chaos
Si 936 Fullness of the Trinity Manifesting through/as Humanity
Thank you for your interest in Sound Of Life Frequency Attunement Sound Therapy. This therapy is simple and yet, in some respects, complex. It is simple in the aspect of actually doing the therapy; complex in the application of the purest intent for the highest good. In essence, pure intent will manifest in pure love.
References for Chapter Three
The Holy Bible, New King James Version, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1983
Itzhak Bentov, "Stalking the Wild Pendulum," Destiny Books, Vermont, 1988
Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, "The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind," Crown Publishing, 1997
Liz Simpson, "Crystal Healing," Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1997
Alain Danielou, "Music and the Power of Sound: The Influence of Tuning and Intervals on Consciousness," Inner Traditions, 1995
David Johnson, "Coolpro Edit, Version 1.1 User Guide (Brainwave Synchronization)" Syntrillium Software Corporation, 1998
Light and Color, The Franklin Institute Online,
The Electromagnetic Spectrum, California State University, Northridge,
Crystal Crone,
How Crystals Work, The Crystal Ball, Inc.,
[1] As a sideline, the movie Matrix is an excellent source for anyone desiring to stimulate new concepts and thus discard old paradigms. The movie should be viewed from a metaphysical aspect
[2] 1 Romans 8:20-22